Gas test

We work for the safety of gas systems. We verify all those requirements contained in the product standards that make sure that gas products are safe and ensure adequate protection against possible malfunctions, moving mechanical parts and overtemperatures. C&T also performs all the technical assistance part aimed at preliminary verification of the designs of new appliances in order to identify any critical issues already at the design stage.

    The GAS lab is equipped with the necessary tools for the tests required by European and international standards, such as:

    • Climatic systems for temperature-controlled tests

    • Unburned gas analyzer and related equipment (e.g., test hoods)

    • Multi-channel temperature recorders

    • Flow meters, meters, asameters, anamometers

    • Certified gas (e.g. G20; G30; G31...)

    Our main activities are:

    • Analysis of markings and instructions

    • Risk analysis (according to GAR regulation)

    • Energy Class Test

    • Pre-compliance testing

    • Performance and combustion tests

    • Temperature test

    • Normal and abnormal operation analysis

    • Functional testing and acceptance

    • Experimental testing and product tuning

    • Collaboration with major certifying bodies to obtain the certificate and management of the entire certification file

    • Technical assistance in resolving any non-conformities

    • Regulatory technical consulting

    Here are some of the main areas of regulatory application we have worked on:

    • Household appliances

    • Professional cooking appliances

    • Patio heaters

    • Boilers

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